Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tervigon Painted

Wow... I got in a groove yesterday, put in at least 10 hours on my Tervigon. I'm pleased by the results; I saw a tiny camera phone shot of the back spiked tervs and fell in love. The chopped thumbs got moved to the front as mandibles, along with that Y shaped doodad so that the poor carnifex can cast powers and we're well on the way there. Looking at it with paint, I might go back and add in some GS sacs of some sort, but that's for another day. I wanted it playable for the league. Definitely satisfactory, even though there is still a little work left to go. Without further ado, the eye-candy

Beeg Boug!

Beeg Boug!
Beeg Boug!
Beeg Boug!

The base was a concern; it looked too empty. Then I was hit with a stroke of inspiration:
Leetle Boug!Leetle Boug!Leetle Boug!

That's right, removable ripper wound counters. I hope they work as well as I expect.

Next up, either my Stealers or my Hive Guard. Both are shiny white and calling out my name...